is violating our trademark and copyrights. users are downloading it, thinking it's from Tor Project, and finding themselves infected with malware. They are calling us angry.
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
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Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, the email did notcontain all of the information necessary for us to review your claim. As perGo Daddy’s Trademark Infringement Policy, available here, a notificationof a claimed trademark violation must include all of the followinginformation: • The trademark, service mark, trade dress, name, or otherindicia of origin ("mark") that is claimed to be infringed, includingregistration number. • The jurisdiction or geographical area to which themark applies. • The name, post office address and telephone number of theowner of the mark identified above. • The goods and/or services coveredby or offered under the mark identified above. • The date of first use ofthe mark identified above. • The date of first use in interstate commerceof the mark identified above. • A description of the manner in which theComplaining Party believes its mark is being infringed upon. • Sufficientevidence that the owner of the website that is claimed to be infringing is aGo Daddy customer. • The precise location of the infringing material. • A good faith certification, signed under penalty of perjury, stating: 1. The content of the website [identify website] infringes the rights ofanother party, 2. The name of such said party, 3. The mark [identifymark] being infringed, and 4. That use of the content of the websiteclaimed to be infringing at issue is not defensible. When you send us all ofthe required information to substantiate your claim, we will initiate aninvestigation. Thank you, Chris Trademark Claims, LLC
The malware tries to connect back to on port 1010. This domain has resolved to at least and I'm fairly certain NoIP would be willing to help with this.
talked to godaddy today and thy said that is not hosted by them and so they cant do anything about it but resolves to there ip address block this smells like collusion with the government