tor-arm's man page doesn't mention --socket option
Are there other things it doesn't mention also?
Also at the bottom of 'man arm' it points me to /usr/share/doc/arm/armrc.sample but actually that should be /usr/share/doc/tor-arm/armrc.sample.gz
Are there other things it doesn't mention also?
Also at the bottom of 'man arm' it points me to /usr/share/doc/arm/armrc.sample but actually that should be /usr/share/doc/tor-arm/armrc.sample.gz
(for the /usr/share/doc part, I bet that's a Debian-specific bug report. But arm will still want config or setup or something options to build a man page that points to the right place.)
Cleaning up old tickets. Nyx is undergoing a rewrite, if this is still relevant then feel free to reopen.
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