I use the Lightning extension for calendar & tasks and the Inverse SoGo Connector 10.0pre2 for the Address-Sync (otherwise I can t add a remote Address book). If I have Torbirdy running my Adress Book won t synchronize. I am able to add to a "new" remote address book but it won t sync any contacts.
I don t know how to get more information out of the plugin to help debugging. Any suggestions for that?
Are you able to check emails with TorBirdy enabled?
Press Ctrl+Shift+J to start the error console. Now try syncing the contacts. Do you see any output in the error console? If yes, what is the error? (If you paste it, make sure you remove private information.)
Yes I am able to check mails & to sync my calendar with Lightning & SOGo Connector.
The error console has quite so stuff but I am not sure where these messages originate. maybe two examples:
Timestamp: 24.02.2014 09:02:15
Warning: Expected '{' to begin declaration block but found 'WordSection1'.
Source File: about:blank
Line: 111, Column: 6
Source Code:
@page WordSection1
Timestamp: 24.02.2014 09:02:15
Warning: Expected identifier for class selector but found '.'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
Source File: about:blank
Line: 109, Column: 1
Source Code:
I just switched the torbirdy plugin on.
If I switch it off again and start TB without Torbirdy I am able to sync contacts again.
The Calendar Sync is working as well with Torbirdy enabled - both the calendar & the contacts are in the same Ownlcoud Account,
I can't see what is wrong here because like I said, you are able to check emails so everything else should also be working.
Coming back to the error console, first start it and make sure it is clean (there is a button "Clear", or Alt + C). Now enable TorBirdy if it was not enabled and then sync your contacts. Is there any output on the console? If yes, please paste it here, removing any information you might consider sensitive.
Tried to sync with Torbirdy enabled. Error console remained empty and my local Address book was emptied as well.
I am trying to get into the logs of my owncloud server in order to check if any request reaches the server when I try to sync the contacts. Need a bit more time for that and come back later to this ticket.
Ok sure, that seems the logical next step. Because right now, we don't have enough to go with as the error console is empty. If there was an error in the configuration (whether TorBirdy or otherwise), there would have been some at least some output. So let's check the server-side logs once.
I ve just updated the owncloud to 6.0.3 but the problem persits.
I have changed the log level of owncloud to everything and get this string for each contacts synced if torbirdy is switched off:
{"app":"contacts","message":"OCA\Contacts\Backend\Database::getAddressBook id: 1","level":0,"time":"2014-05-06T12:48:43+00:00"
If Torbirdy is switched on there is nothing in the log of the owncloud server. Simply nothing happens.
Any further ideas?