Trac: Description: The phrase "Uh oh, spaghettios!" appears in bridgedb.pot. This is not translatable, and is causing confusion for a number of our translators.
Don't these people get bored?! Look at all the creative opportunities here!
Though you're right, it seems my comment to the translators didn't end up in the .pot file. I'll need to re-extract the message and make sure it ends up in there. For the record, it says:
## TRANSLATORS: Please translate this into some silly way to say## "There was a problem!" in your language. For example,## for Italian, you might translate this into "Mama mia!",## or for French: "Sacrebleu!". :)
I don't care what they translate it to, as long as it's not "offensive" (whatever that means). And as long as it gets the translators to be creative instead of just completing rote translations, verbatim, all day long. It's good for them! I'm doing this for their sanity.
Also the phrase "plain-'ol-vanilla bridges". Translate it to something fun! Or something boring, if you really must insist on boring boring rote boring what-is-imagination verbatim boringness.