This is similar to #12550 (closed), but instead of having to compile an up to date python since the one running on planet-lab is out of date, we just need to install packages via apt-get.
The core of this script will be setting up monitoring on the machine (#12549 (closed)) and a cronjob for running the bridge reachability measurements at a given interval.
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This works in Debian wheezy: it sets up backports and then installs ooniprobe.
I'd like to add more features to this just as soon as I learn what is needed.
Now let's talk about the cronjob which does the bridge reachability tests...
Which commands would this run?
Do you have a suite of tests specified somewhere?
This works in Debian wheezy: it sets up backports and then installs ooniprobe.
I'd like to add more features to this just as soon as I learn what is needed.
Now let's talk about the cronjob which does the bridge reachability tests...
Which commands would this run?
I would start with having it do what the planetlab deployment script used to do for setting up the cronjob.
Bridge reachability tests is what i meant by suite of tests.
OK... I updated the ooniprobe role to optionally install the bridge reachability cronjob...
I've also updated the playbook to install tor via my tor-ansible role.
Let's look at an assumption my ooni bridge reachability playbook makes:
The assumption here is that the server has got a user called "human"...
Ansible needs a ssh login to all the machines it touches... so typically
I use the same user that Ansible logs in as.
However... do you want this ansible role create an ooni user?
I have so far used this deployment script on 3-4 different deployments and it works quite well.
I am going to close this ticket and suggest we create new tickets when we want to add more functionality, but for the moment what is have is good enough.
Thanks for the ansible foo dawuud :)
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato fixed Status: assigned to closed