PDE has some good data on screen resolutions from panopticlick that we could provide. He's also of the opinion that we should consider not setting window.screen to the current window size and instead a common resolution that is larger than the current window resolution, so we look less like tor users. However, this is debatable, as it can leak some anonymity set based on the chosen resolution.
Trac: Priority: minor to major Keywords: N/Adeleted, N/Aadded Description: A user in #tor suggested that we could provide an option to fix window resolution at 800x600. This isn't a bad idea.
[Automatically added by flyspray2trac: Operating System: All]
A user in #tor suggested that we could provide an option to fix window resolution at 800x600. This isn't a bad idea.
[Automatically added by flyspray2trac: Operating System: All] Milestone: N/AtoN/A
I definitely support PDE's opinion on the subject.
However, in case the current "round to 50px" feature is retained, can common resolutions be excluded from the rounding? For example, my current resolution is the fairly common 1280x720: with torbutton enabled, it gets reported as a very unusual resolution which actually lowers my anonimity.
This is important because many third-party ad/analytics services don't store the IP address of the user (or the fact that he was browsing from a Tor exit node) but they DO store the screen resolution. Tor users therefore become readily identifiable via their unusual screen resolution, while they could have been easily hidden in the general public.
Considering how widespread services like Google Analytics are, I think this would be an important enhancement for Torbutton.
My thinking for this is to make the default resolution in Tor Browser be 800x600, or the largest resolution that will fit inside the user's display. Not sure if this means we should rip out the Firefox code that tries to remember your window resolution, or just handle this entirely in Torbutton though.
Alright, we now have a hidden option that will set the resolution of new windows to a collection of sizes, using the largest one available for a given desktop.
Choosing a spoofed desktop value for window.screen should be a different bug.
Trac: Status: assigned to closed Keywords: N/Adeleted, MikePerryIterationFires20110630 added Resolution: None to fixed Actualpoints: N/Ato 2