both atlas and globe incorrectly show gabelmoo's contact line by "escaping" a '/' with an ''. I suspect this might be an onionoo issue, as both apps get it wrong.
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Good catch, Sebastian, and thanks for the patch, iwakeh. But we have to be careful when fixing this problem. Let me explain:
Here's a server descriptor published by another currently running relay, particularly the only relay that I found that has both characters / and ' in its contact line:
router DigitalBrains 21 0 0or-address [2001:980:a370::8]:80platform Tor on Linuxprotocols Link 1 2 Circuit 1published 2014-09-28 06:57:28fingerprint B41E 3847 4992 3487 4688 B2F3 54C6 764B 8589 EAF8uptime 718153bandwidth 1572864 10485760 2790125extra-info-digest 7201355DF31896829B95CB970A63CD4D6BCFE93Bonion-key-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----MIGJAoGBAKcLROc5/W6X7bsL5XX3+miireX/kU8HW2mC+Yp3OVD2bqccP++kZCUjXWWEjWv4nUJ8OnbbFAFey4+/Oe7cIoySqfOgQK04iIiU8JTs1/16vtjYLPSGg2JWkZrvWIsHlX1+/4y1PRnjr0VdHgxQKfuDS/Rc4+HtUNcqbFo5QqpbAgMBAAE=-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----signing-key-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----MIGJAoGBAMT/Ev+LaTTtvmn+4zO3/w4XYcJTDdG7r+5G4Jsgkz3AwmMm6fUKZON5QKDA3osPoC+R6sRR0PoWnXkWgab4nCOtVdzA9zyrcNHuMo4jFyhfO0QYK3jok+wvoFhWygCleT0XIWtVrWCoA2kmM5iQpcfSry830cA2iwasRx9qNSVzAgMBAAE=-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----hidden-service-dircontact 2048R/DE500B3E Peter Lebbing <tormail at (this router's nickname) dot com>ntor-onion-key 39Iw4BEaOdFRfvLo2Ko1Eg3iLS54jKSr1SwcBpcBP3Y=reject *:*router-signature-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----BJqOVb7/EACgyNf1LpuyDcWT5hHoFrsPOY0+GoyQwPyh5ejruCwju856aZ7yVoJkIv2adms2ONiXFtAlTawTybptcpgXGmNaTXAeWnyFMdrYpWVkej0Ha2zHVl7hXJoH5cKnN3SNYvqdxXdtBM9bnyPLfyvlqTnmPlKRTrV3W/g=-----END SIGNATURE-----
The hourly cronjob has a first phase during which it writes descriptor contents to a details status file. Here's what it writes for this particular relay:
"desc_published": "2014-09-29 06:51:59","last_restarted": "2014-09-19 23:28:14","bandwidth_rate": 1572864,"bandwidth_burst": 10485760,"observed_bandwidth": 3127441,"advertised_bandwidth": 1572864,"exit_policy": [ "reject *:*"],"contact": "2048R\\/DE500B3E Peter Lebbing <tormail at (this router's nickname) dot com>","platform": "Tor on Linux"
During the second phase the hourly cronjob reads details status files and writes them to details documents which will later be copied verbatim to servlet responses. Here's the relay's details document:
The easy fix would be to update the escapeJSON and unescapeJSON methods in DetailsDocument similar to iwakeh's patch. Newly written details documents would then not contain escaped forward slashes anymore. (There's no easy way to force rewriting details documents, but we could write a simple script or Java tool that goes over all files in out/details/, removes backslashes, and rewrites files.)
The harder fix would be to also apply iwakeh's patch. The reason is that the hourly cronjob would read old and new details status files, and it wouldn't handle old status files correctly. (I didn't go through all steps there, but I think this would break.) So, we'd have to first go through all old status files and update them and then apply the patch. This needs testing before we should apply it to the production system. Plus, we'll also have to do the easy fix to DetailsDocument, or our changes won't be effective at all.
iwakeh, would you want to prepare a revised patch and test it on a local Onionoo instance?
While working on a fix, I discovered that we introduced a related bug a few months ago. Right now we're not only escaping / wrong, but also '...
Here's the contact line currently returned for the sample relay mentioned above:
"contact":"2048R\\/DE500B3E Peter Lebbing <tormail at (this router\\'s nickname) dot com>"
Please find my branch task-13267 with two commits, one to fix that recently introduced bug and one to stop escaping /.
Note that I'm ignoring my own advice by handling old files and new files the same. At least that didn't break horribly in local tests. I'm going to deploy this branch on the mirror now to see if it works.
I'd like to merge to master before the weekend, if possible. Review much appreciated.