Ensure SSL is enabled by default
For protocols such as XMPP and IRC (and others that support it), ensure that SSL is enabled by default during the account creation process.
For protocols such as XMPP and IRC (and others that support it), ensure that SSL is enabled by default during the account creation process.
We are now enabling SSL/TLS by default for IRC and XMPP accounts. This is also true for other supported chat protocols (Google, Facebook, Yahoo! and Twitter.)
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: new to closed
<+sukhe> hello. yes, I think it's fine to close the tickets. thanks for doing what we should done earlier :)
sad but true: https://blog.torproject.org/sunsetting-tor-messenger
luckily there are alternatives: https://blog.torproject.org/tor-heart-onion-messaging
.. and maybe someday