1.Open any old page with an image, for instance https://blog.torproject.org/
2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open the Inspector.
3. Click the "Pick an element from the page" icon, the one that looks like .
4. Hover over an img element.
The "attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data" prompt appears.
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Would previewing *.pdf files in the Firefox Document Viewer raise this condition, too? That's what I'm seeing. TOR complains that my Website "attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data."
Would previewing *.pdf files in the Firefox Document Viewer raise this condition, too? That's what I'm seeing. TOR complains that my Website "attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data."
I saw the warning with PDF files in 3.6 too. I think the warning on image hover is new with 4.0.
The problem is that we don't check whether a content or a chrome script is trying to extract data. As we are extracting the script file anyway we probably could either check for a scheme indicating a chrome script (like (re/)) or maybe there is even a better method giving back a yes/no if asked whether that is a content script or not. I have not looked closer at it yet.
The Inspector raises the issue in ESR 31 (and not earlier) as it had not been using canvas extraction in ESR 24.
There was already a check for exempting file:// URLs from canvas prompt in IsImageExtractionAllowed(). The above patch adds re[/](/`) URLs to this exemption.
The patch should prevent prompts due to the Inspector and PDF.js, but I haven't had the chance to test it.
I also agree that having this check as a separate function (e.g. IsURLExemptFromCanvas()) is a better idea.
There was already a check for exempting file:// URLs from canvas prompt in IsImageExtractionAllowed(). The above patch adds re[/](/`) URLs to this exemption.
The patch should prevent prompts due to the Inspector and PDF.js, but I haven't had the chance to test it.
gacar: No, that does not fix the bug. The problem is not the scheme of the document but rather whether the script that uses the canvas is a content or a chrome script. The patch we have assumes there are only content scripts doing that and thus just checks whether the document/website loaded is a chrome one or not. If not and if there is no permission to use the canvas yet you'll see the prompt. But apparently there are cases where we have a content document + a chrome script which should not result in the canvas warning. Thus, looking at the code you want to check for re[/](/) in scriptFileor maybe there is even a better method thanDescribeScriptedCaller()` which would just give us a "yes/no" back if asked whether we have a chrome script or a content script in the respective situation.
gacar: No, that does not fix the bug. The problem is not the scheme of the document but rather whether the script that uses the canvas is a content or a chrome script. The patch we have assumes there are only content scripts doing that and thus just checks whether the document/website loaded is a chrome one or not.
I have not had a chance to debug this problem yet, but the intent of the patch was to check the security characteristics of the running script. Either the check is incorrect or PDF.js and the developer tools inspector do not run with system privileges.
According to PDF.js FAQ and this comment, most of the PDF.js code runs with content privileges.
So, adding a IsCallerChrome check would work for the Inspector, but not for the PDF.js.
Can whitelisting re[/pdf.js](/pdf.js`) by scheme/URL be abused for fingerprinting? If we cannot think of a way, fixing this could help with false positives and related alert fatigue.
If you like the approach (exempt chrome callers with IsCallerChrome and whitelist PDF.js via scheme/URL whitelist) I could submit a new patch.
According to PDF.js FAQ and this comment, most of the PDF.js code runs with content privileges.
So, adding a IsCallerChrome check would work for the Inspector, but not for the PDF.js.
Can whitelisting re[/pdf.js](/pdf.js`) by scheme/URL be abused for fingerprinting? If we cannot think of a way, fixing this could help with false positives and related alert fatigue.
If you like the approach (exempt chrome callers with IsCallerChrome and whitelist PDF.js via scheme/URL whitelist) I could submit a new patch.
Yes, please. This sounds like a good approach to me. I am not sure exactly what the pdf.js whitelisting test needs to look like; there are a bunch of files under browser/extensions/pdfjs/ so maybe we need a prefix test? Or we need to figure out which file or files access canvas.
I just uploaded a new patch. This should allow chrome scripts and PDF.js to access canvas without the prompt.
I built and manually tested patched Tor Browser on a handful of canvas enabled sites, it worked as expected.
The only URL to be whitelisted for PDF.js turns out to be re[/pdf.js/build/pdf.js.](/pdf.js/build/pdf.js.) There is a second script (pdf.worker.js`), but it never shows up as a caller, probably because it's loaded by the first one.
wrapped in an if-clause? Reading the code this means to me this call can fail but not for
third-party content as you are assuming scriptFile.get() and scriptLine are available unconditionally in this scenario. If that is correct which failing scenarios did you have in mind?
gacar: thanks. One question: Why do you have
JS::DescribeScriptedCaller(aCx, &scriptFile, &scriptLine)
wrapped in an if-clause? Reading the code this means to me this call can fail but not for
third-party content as you are assuming scriptFile.get() and scriptLine are available unconditionally in this scenario. If that is correct which failing scenarios did you have in mind?
I didn't think about any specific scenario but just tried to be cautious.
JS::DescribeScriptedCaller(aCx, &scriptFile, &scriptLine)}}}wrapped in an if-clause? Reading the code this means to me this call can fail but *not* for third-party content as you are assuming `scriptFile.get()` and `scriptLine` are available unconditionally in this scenario. If that is correct which failing scenarios did you have in mind?
I didn't think about any specific scenario but just tried to be cautious.
So there was no reason to continue with the strcmp, when scriptFile doesn't hold the real script URL.
Does that make sense?
Yes, but I was not talking about that part. I was wondering about:
nsPrintfCString msg("On %s: blocked access to canvas image data"
" from document %s, script from %s:%u ", // L10n
firstPartySpec.get(), docSpec.get(),
scriptFile.get(), scriptLine);
where the message is constructed with the script file and the respective line *regardless* whether `DescribeScriptedCaller` succeeded or not. It seems to me if you wrap the former in an if-clause to be defensive (which is good, especially as Mozilla has not our patch in its repository yet and might change behavior of code we need without us noticing it) you should make sure `scriptFile` is updated when constructing the message as well (if not we might just give back a generic message without it).One additional nit: Mozilla code breaks usually at 80 chars. I think we should follow that rule. It might make it a bit easier to upstream things without spending another review cycle fixing the line-wrapping.Now: does that make sense?
Yes, but I was not talking about that part. I was wondering about:
nsPrintfCString msg("On %s: blocked access to canvas image data"
" from document %s, script from %s:%u ", // L10n
firstPartySpec.get(), docSpec.get(),
scriptFile.get(), scriptLine);
where the message is constructed with the script file and the respective line regardless whether DescribeScriptedCaller succeeded or not. It seems to me if you wrap the former in an if-clause to be defensive (which is good, especially as Mozilla has not our patch in its repository yet and might change behavior of code we need without us noticing it) you should make sure scriptFile is updated when constructing the message as well (if not we might just give back a generic message without it).