Well, it would be helpful to see, if an AS / a tor family / a particular network segment would be affected. But thinking about this longer this would mean to define a time frame over such a stats ... hhm, not easy to implement, or ?
Therefore me wonders if it would be a better idea to just print those info out to a CSV file and let the admin play with the raw data using its favorite tool?
Sounds like something for a standalone script rather than integrated with arm, yes? If this is a commonly useful feature great, but what you're describing sounds pretty specific and not like something the vast majority of relay operators would find useful.
yep - (it was easy to claim such a request, but thinking more about that topic now it seems that a separate script, which uses stem, would be the solution) ...
Sounds great. Feel free to reopen if you'd like to discuss this further, and if you post the script somewhere please shoot me a link and I'll add it to the Stem examples page.
Trac: Status: new to closed Resolution: N/Ato not a bug