Support ed25519 identities for circuit extension
Once #12498 (moved) is merged and #15055 (moved) is done, we can use ed25519 in circuit extension as documented in proposal 220.
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- Nick Mathewson changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.0.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.0.x-final
- Nick Mathewson added 027-triaged-1-in 028-triaged 201511-deferred TorCoreTeam201609 component::core tor/tor ed25519 milestone::Tor: 0.3.0.x-final nickm-deferred-20161005 owner::nickm parent::15054 points::parent priority::high prop-220 resolution::implemented review-group-13 reviewer::dgoulet severity::normal sponsor::U-must status::closed tor-crypto-identity tor-ed25519-proto tor-relay type::enhancement version::tor 0.2.7 labels
added 027-triaged-1-in 028-triaged 201511-deferred TorCoreTeam201609 component::core tor/tor ed25519 milestone::Tor: 0.3.0.x-final nickm-deferred-20161005 owner::nickm parent::15054 points::parent priority::high prop-220 resolution::implemented review-group-13 reviewer::dgoulet severity::normal sponsor::U-must status::closed tor-crypto-identity tor-ed25519-proto tor-relay type::enhancement version::tor 0.2.7 labels
- Author
Status: new to assigned - Author
Marking more tickets as triaged-in for 0.2.7
Keywords: tor-relay ed25519 prop-220 deleted, 027-triaged-1-in, prop-220, ed25519, tor-relay added Trac:
Keywords: N/A deleted, SponsorU added
Priority: normal to major
Version: N/A to Tor: 0.2.7
Points: N/A to large- Author
Owner: N/A to nickm - Author
Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final to Tor: 0.2.8.x-final - Author
Keywords: N/A deleted, 028-triaged added - Author
Bulk-replace SponsorU keyword with SponsorU field.
Sponsor: N/A to SponsorU
Keywords: SponsorU deleted, N/A added - Author
Keywords: N/A deleted, TorCoreTeam201511 added - Author
Type: defect to enhancement - Author
Bulk-move uncompleted items to december. :/
Keywords: TorCoreTeam201511 deleted, TorCoreTeam201512, 201511-deferred added - Author
These two are going to have to get deferred, because they can be deferred. Not enough hacking days left this year.
Keywords: TorCoreTeam201512 deleted, TorCoreTeam201601 added - Author
Bulk-modify: It is February 2016, and no longer possible that anything else will get done in January 2016. Time's arrow and all that.
- Author
Keywords: TorCoreTeam201601 deleted, TorCoreTeam201602 added - Author
These tickets, though owned by me, are not deliverables I can realistically deliver by the 0.2.8 freeze window.
Milestone: Tor: 0.2.8.x-final to Tor: 0.2.9.x-final Trac:
Sponsor: SponsorU to SponsorU-must- Author
Keywords: TorCoreTeam201602 deleted, N/A added Trac:
Keywords: N/A deleted, tor-crypto-identity added- Author
Keywords: N/A deleted, tor-ed25519-proto added Trac:
Points: large to 6- Author
Points: 6 to parent
Severity: N/A to Normal
Reviewer: N/A to N/A - Author
Keywords: tor-ed25519-proto deleted, tor-ed25519-proto TorCoreTeam201609 added - Author
I've started a branch here, as
, based on my #15055 (moved) branch. So far, it should (mostly) send ed25519 identities in extend2 cells as appropriate.The accepting part will be a little harder.
- Author
(I will rebase this branch a lot)
- Author
Deferring big/risky-feature things (even the ones I really love!) to 0.3.0. Please argue if I'm wrong.
Keywords: tor-ed25519-proto TorCoreTeam201609 deleted, nickm-deferred-20161005, tor-ed25519-proto, TorCoreTeam201609 added
Milestone: Tor: 0.2.9.x-final to Tor: 0.3.0.x-final - Author
This is now implemented, and I believe ready for review. I'm going to be adding more unit tests on and off over the next week, but I think it's worth looking at.
The branch is 'feature15056_v1' in my public repository.
There is a gitlab merge request at
Status: assigned to needs_review - Author
Keywords: N/A deleted, review-group-12 added Trac:
Reviewer: N/A to dgoulet- Author
Keywords: review-group-12 deleted, review-group-13 added Did a pass at it! Good work!
Status: needs_review to needs_revisionOk, did a second pass. I missed two files during initial review as Gitlab joyfully didn't expand them to me ... so not to myself and everyone, make sure to click the "Expand All" button before review!
- Author
Okay, I think I've been over it all again, and added a little more fixing. How do you feel about it now?
Fixup all lgtm! #20918 (moved) and #20895 (moved) have been opened to address some more engineering intensive improvement.
My public relay has been running this for almost 3 days now with
ExtendByEd25519ID 1
on and so far it's happy. I've also tested this in chutney confirming that authentication is working with rsa and ed25519 together.Trac:
Status: needs_revision to merge_ready- Author
Okay. I've squashed the branch down to feature15056_v1_squashed. You can verify that it has the same contents as feature15056_v1, except with fewer commits in it.
Merging that to master.
Let's see what happens now!
- Author
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to implemented - Trac closed
- Nick Mathewson mentioned in issue #20356 (moved)
mentioned in issue #20356 (moved)
- Nick Mathewson mentioned in issue #20552 (moved)
mentioned in issue #20552 (moved)
- Nick Mathewson mentioned in issue #20895 (moved)
mentioned in issue #20895 (moved)
- Nick Mathewson mentioned in issue #20918 (moved)
mentioned in issue #20918 (moved)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#15056 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#15056 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#20552 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#20552 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#20895 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#20895 (closed)