Is rend-spec's 'service-authentication' a thing?
Hi Nick, on #15004 (closed) I added hidden server descriptor parsing to Stem. donncha has been a fantastic help, providing test data and python crypto examples. Interestingly when we came to the rend-spec's service-authentication lines he wasn't able to find them in the tor codebase.
Were they never implemented? They're very strange fields, prefixing encrypted introduction-points with a plaintext field. Stem presently has (untested) support for them but if they're not actually a thing we should drop them from the spec.
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- Damian Johnson changed milestone to %Tor: 0.2.8.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.2.8.x-final
It does appear that "service-authentication" doesn't appear under that name in Tor.
Here are the only tokens that are supported:
/** List of tokens recognized in rendezvous service descriptors */ static token_rule_t desc_token_table[] = { T1_START("rendezvous-service-descriptor", R_RENDEZVOUS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("version", R_VERSION, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("permanent-key", R_PERMANENT_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY_1024), T1("secret-id-part", R_SECRET_ID_PART, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("publication-time", R_PUBLICATION_TIME, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ), T1("protocol-versions", R_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T01("introduction-points", R_INTRODUCTION_POINTS, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ), T1_END("signature", R_SIGNATURE, NO_ARGS, NEED_OBJ), END_OF_TABLE }; /** List of tokens recognized in the (encrypted) list of introduction points of * rendezvous service descriptors */ static token_rule_t ipo_token_table[] = { T1_START("introduction-point", R_IPO_IDENTIFIER, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("ip-address", R_IPO_IP_ADDRESS, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("onion-port", R_IPO_ONION_PORT, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T1("onion-key", R_IPO_ONION_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY_1024), T1("service-key", R_IPO_SERVICE_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_KEY_1024), END_OF_TABLE }; /** List of tokens recognized in the (possibly encrypted) list of introduction * points of rendezvous service descriptors */ static token_rule_t client_keys_token_table[] = { T1_START("client-name", C_CLIENT_NAME, CONCAT_ARGS, NO_OBJ), T1("descriptor-cookie", C_DESCRIPTOR_COOKIE, EQ(1), NO_OBJ), T01("client-key", C_CLIENT_KEY, NO_ARGS, NEED_SKEY_1024), END_OF_TABLE };
Milestone: N/A to Tor: 0.2.7.x-finalTrac:
Status: new to assignedMarking more tickets as triaged-in for 0.2.7
Keywords: N/A deleted, 027-triaged-1-in addedTrac:
Points: N/A to small
Keywords: N/A deleted, SponsorR added
Priority: normal to major
Version: N/A to Tor: 0.2.7Trac:
Milestone: Tor: 0.2.7.x-final to Tor: 0.2.8.x-finalBulk-replace SponsorR keyword with SponsorR sponsor field in Tor component.
Keywords: SponsorR deleted, N/A added
Sponsor: N/A to SponsorRTrac:
Keywords: 027-triaged-1-in deleted, tor-hs added
Priority: major to normalI've pushed a branch to Github which removes this unimplemented field The branch also includes a commit which specifies the limit of 10 introduction points in a hidden service descriptor.
Severity: N/A to NormalTrac:
Status: assigned to needs_review- Author
Looks good to me - thanks!
Can't push at the moment (visiting family), but will do next week unless Nick beats me to it.
Merged it; thanks!
Status: needs_review to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed- Trac closed
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#15190 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#15190 (closed)