Right now our test_rend_fns() function in src/test/test.c builds a "rend_service_descriptor_t *generated", and then it encodes it, and then it parses it, to make sure it gets the expected descriptor back. That's a great start.
But there are now several different versions of the descriptor format in play, and our unit tests by definition only test the one that the current Tor version generates.
Also, it would be easier to play around with "how Tor handles it if you take that stanza out of the descriptor" experiments, if there are some actual descriptors in the unit tests.
Good idea / bad idea?
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rl1987: it might be best for stem to do this, using some sort of hs desc generation code, and the hsdesc post feature, on the control port, as part of the 'make test-stem' process. Rather than cluttering Tor's unit tests with this. Nick would have an opinion here.
Personally I'm very much in favor of this. Sebastian was expanding the control spec to include a GETINFO method for 'gimme the server/extrainfo descriptor tor would generate for me right now'.
The goal for it was to test Tor's descriptor generation using Stem. Stem already does a lot of validation when it reads descriptors so this is a cheap and easy way of getting much better Tor test coverage.
rl1987: it might be best for stem to do this, using some sort of hs desc generation code, and the hsdesc post feature, on the control port, as part of the 'make test-stem' process. Rather than cluttering Tor's unit tests with this. Nick would have an opinion here.
If you want the HS descriptors to be generated, rather than actually including real HS descriptors in the unittests, then does that mean that you want Stem to include/merge Leekspin?
If you want the HS descriptors to be generated, rather than actually including real HS descriptors in the unittests, then does that mean that you want Stem to include/merge Leekspin?
Stem has the ability to generate descriptors too. I just haven't put that functionality in the library (presently its in a testing helper). We can move it to the library if it's of use to tor.
I actually don't think we are parsing an actual hardcoded v2 HS desc right now. We only parse self-generated descriptors.
It's true that that #14847 (moved) added an actual HS desc in the unittests (see hs_desc_content in test_hs.c) but I don't think we are actually parsing it anywhere right now. We just use it to check the output of the control port commands.
We should probably add a test that parses that v2 descriptor. I added it to my TODO list will try to do it RSN.
Please check my branch bug15554 for a minimal test that checks that our hardcoded v2 HS descriptor is parseable. A more advanced test here would also test the internal descriptor fields.
Also, the next step here is to do the same for v3 descriptors. That's a bit more involved since it involves more crypto, but it's definitely possible.
FAIL src/test/test_hs.c:147: assert(ret OP_EQ 1): 0 vs 1
And in that case, there is a memleak. It's easily fixable with moving the tor_free(desc.desc_str); before the tt_int_op() test.
The failure is due to:
[warn] parse error: Malformed object: bad begin line
There are many condition to hit that and I narrow it down to strcmp_len(eol-5, "-----", 5) which returns -32 in our case. So I think all those \r to the end of the line are not making the parsing function happy. If your remove them, it works but then the control port test is unhappy.
So we either need to copy is in another const string without the \r or do some magic removal \r :). I say go with the easy "copy without \r".
Trac: Points: small/medium to 0.1 Status: needs_review to needs_revision Reviewer: N/Ato dgoulet