I think torstatus still uses its own "tor check" variant. We should make it use the tordnsel instead (e.g. via fetching the list of current IP addresses from the bulk exitlist, and comparing locally).
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I'm reassigning this task to the Metrics component, because I'm going to extend metrics.tpo to have some TorStatus functionality. But I doubt we want to copy the TorCheck functionality there. Is that correct?
phobos, can we close this task?
Trac: Owner: phobos to karsten Component: Website to Metrics
Should we make a new torstatus component for these tickets? It seems silly to close a good bug report just because you have another piece of software that you're working on instead. Torstatus is the software that many users use right now, and we have known bugs on it. We should point volunteers at this set of bugs (among many other things).
Well, I don't think our Trac is the right place to hold TorStatus bugs, because we don't maintain TorStatus. But I wouldn't mind making a new component and re-assigning the tickets. What I do mind about is having them assigned to the Metrics component and to me, because there's no way for me to make progress and solve these tickets.
Shall I create a component and re-assign the tickets?
This is a simple check and TorStatus should already have the data it needs to make this determination. Why should we query an external service? It seems like this adding an extra network burden and dependency without any benefit to TorStatus.
But on second thought, the new TorStatus shouldn't have to worry about the functionality that's already implemented in TorCheck. We could as well add a link to TorCheck. Or leave it out entirely.
Trac: Status: reopened to closed Resolution: N/Ato wontfix