Can we close the valencia2015@ mailing list?
Can we close the valencia2015@ mailing list? (This question is related to the request for the new berlin2015@ mailing list in #16719 (moved).)
Can we close the valencia2015@ mailing list? (This question is related to the request for the new berlin2015@ mailing list in #16719 (moved).)
Not quite yet please! I want to send mail to it one or two last times, once we have the Berlin one going.
Makes sense. Will ask again in a few weeks.
Status: new to needs_information
Berlin is finished. So I guess it is a good time to close this list. Any objections?
Sponsor: N/A to N/A
Yes, please close it. Thanks!
Severity: N/A to Normal
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: needs_information to closed