On bridges.torproject.org, it says to email: bridges [at] torproject [dot] .org
On torproject.org/docs/bridges it says to email: bridges [at] bridges [dot] torproject [dot] .org
Also I have tried to get obfs transport bridges through email but have not received any email even days after sending the email. What's going on?
Did you use a Gmail, Riseup, or Yahoo email address?
I used Riseup. I sent an email to one of the bridge emails above with "get transport obfs4" in the body and nothing else, following instructions on torproject.org/docs/bridges. Am I doing something wrong?
I just tested this from my own Riseup account. I could get a set of bridges using "get transport obfs4". I'm closing this ticket since it's three years old and the original problem seems fixed at this point.
Trac: Status: assigned to closed Actualpoints: N/Ato 0.2 Resolution: N/Ato not a bug