This can be closed as resolved fixed: unless you wanted to test them over workers, service workers (which are disabled in Private Mode), iframes. Timing is clamped by RFP
<html><title>setTimeout</title><body onload="run()"><html><body><p>setTimeout</p><button id="run" onClick="run()">run again</button><br><br><textarea rows="50" id="r"></textarea><script>var counter=1; var r="";function logTime() { if (counter < 201) { var today = new Date(); r = r+(today.getSeconds() +"."+ today.getMilliseconds() +" "+ counter +"\n"); var t = setTimeout(logTime, 1); counter += 1; if (counter == 201) {document.getElementById("r").innerHTML=r} };};function run() { counter=1; r=""; document.getElementById("r").innerHTML=r; logTime();};</script></body></html>
<html><title>setInterval</title><body onload="run()"><html><body><p>setInterval</p><button id="run" onClick="run()">run again</button><br><br><textarea rows="50" id="r"></textarea><script>var counter = 1; var r="";function logTime() { setInterval(function(){ if (counter < 201) { var today = new Date(); r = r+(today.getSeconds() +"."+ today.getMilliseconds() +" "+ counter +"\n"); counter += 1; if (counter == 201) {document.getElementById("r").innerHTML=r;} }; }, 10);};function run() { counter = 1; r=""; document.getElementById("r").innerHTML=r; logTime();};</script></body></html>
This can be closed as resolved fixed: unless you wanted to test them over workers, service workers (which are disabled in Private Mode), iframes. Timing is clamped by RFP
Hrm, you mean timing is not clamped in those cases?
dom.enable_resource_timing & dom.enable_performance are two prefs I can think of that no longer make a difference, when RFP = true. And dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled must be true - that pref has just been removed anyway (
Hrm, you mean timing is not clamped in those cases
Absolutely. What I'm saying is that that without RFP=true (and there is more tied behind it than just timing as you know), then you lose everything. Example: disable RFP, run the two timing tests, you leak high precision timing. Hence I think you should lock RFP :) Just saying