Implement a panopticlick-like anti-fingerprinting built-in self-test for the browser
There should be a test a user should be able to call securely to make sure his browser is indistinguishable rest of from TBBs.
There should be a test a user should be able to call securely to make sure his browser is indistinguishable rest of from TBBs.
Type: defect to enhancement
Duplicate of #6119 (moved).
Status: new to closed
Resolution: N/A to duplicate
I meant a fully local one embedded into the browser.
Status: closed to reopened
Resolution: duplicate to N/A
Reviewer: N/A to N/A
Parent: N/A to #6119 (moved)
Summary: Implement a panopticlick-like anti-fingerprinting self-test for the browser to Implement a panopticlick-like anti-fingerprinting built-in self-test for the browser
Parent: #6119 (moved) to N/A
mentioned in issue #22585 (moved)