I have a patch at: git@github.com:chelseakomlo/torspec.git, branch prop271
Open questions are:
How much information should be here versus other spec files?
What should be defined in the glossary versus prop271?
How much detail is necessary? I didn't include much information on the guard picking algorithm as I didn't want to have this section be redundant. But there is likely necessary info missing.
LGTM. I think the section added is a fine overview section. Perhaps it can even be moved above section 2. State instances, so that it's beneath the motivation section like a true overview section would be.
WRT how much detail is necessary, I think it could be useful to include some further information on what it means to use a circuit or to let it wait. This has to do with how streams are assigned to circuits, and perhaps it would be useful for readers. Anyhow, this does not need to happen in this ticket; it's just some information that would have been useful to me when I originally read the proposal.