Should I file a new ticket for this issue or will it be covered by this ticket?
Also, here is a related question: should we make this the parent bug for #21267 (moved) and #21268 (moved) or do we want to track e10s issues separately?
Should I file a new ticket for this issue or will it be covered by this ticket?
I will look into this here and if turns into a big issue I can open a new ticket.
Also, here is a related question: should we make this the parent bug for #21267 (moved) and #21268 (moved) or do we want to track e10s issues separately?
I should have mentioned that the reason it is okay to remove the "No initial browser content window?" code is because it is leftover from the pre-#19459 era; Kathy and I do not see a need for it any longer.
Okay, all the child tickets are resolved. I added the multiprocessCompatible flag in 7c8c20ff3b4f6747d57c259407a55194ffb62374. That might help us with our testing. We can revert that later if we think we found blockers and can't fix them until a release has to get out.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato fixed Status: new to closed