Tor TransparentProxy documentation: add IPv6 support / port to nftables
- add IPv6 support
- port to nftables
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- adrelanos changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
Please say more about nftables and the lack of ipv6 support?
Milestone: N/A to Tor: unspecified- Author
The wiki page as of version is only using iptables. It does not cover IPv6 yet (then it would have to also use at minimum ip6tables). Therefore transparent proxying IPv6 traffic won't work. Also it's only using IPv4 torrc options, nothing about IPv6. Due to that wiki page being outdated, in best case, it just won't work, in worst case, IPv6 leaks.
nftables replaces iptables, ip6tables etc. While modernizing that page, it might be a great idea to port it to nftables.
I'd take a patch for this if there are issues in the code or shipped documentation; but in the meantime, somebody who uses transproxy and ipv6 a lot should revise that wiki page.
Keywords: doc wiki deleted, tor-doc wiki nftables ipv6 transproxy tor-client addedTrac:
Cc: to, iry- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#21397 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#21397 (closed)