prop140/prop278: use atomic counters to track memory usage
I want to be able to compress things in subthreads, but that means that using plain old statics for our allocation counters won't work.
I want to be able to compress things in subthreads, but that means that using plain old statics for our allocation counters won't work.
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.1.x-final
See branch 'atomic_counters' in my public repository.
Status: new to needs_review
Cc: N/A to ahf
Cool! Looks good to me. Let's get this in.
Status: needs_review to merge_ready
Resolution: N/A to implemented
Status: merge_ready to closed
changed time estimate to 48m
added 48m of time spent
moved to tpo/core/tor#22061 (closed)