This was discovered in #22217 (moved) in ExtraInfoDescriptorTest's padding-count tests (comments 6,7).
Check other tests in ExtraInfoDescriptorTest and other test classes for similar issues and fix these
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One day until the planned 1.8.0 release. Should we move this to 1.9.0, or is this already almost done?
> This should go into 1.8.0; update following.
OK, I checked and there are way too many expected-exception-tests to be changed for this release.
It is important to have these. I'll check-in some changes later, but these might not need to go in now.
So I'd suggest too to move this ticket to 1.9.0
Finally all exceptions in tests are verified (i.e., the exception's message). For all the other changes it seems that the introduction of "KeyValueMap" already completed the simplification of ParseHelper and duplication/empty key checking in #22279 (moved). The class 'KeyValueMap' has full coverage. Thus, this tasks seems to be finished.
Please review this branch.
Great, thanks for going through all that test code! Squashed, rebased to master, added another commit for replacing remaining @Test() annotations with @Test, and pushed to master. Closing.
Trac: Status: needs_review to closed Resolution: N/Ato implemented