Tor Browser 7.0.1 opens at 1000x500 resolution instead of 1000x600 on Linux. I am on Tails 3.0.
added component::applications/tor browser ff52-esr owner::tbb-team priority::high resolution::user disappeared severity::normal status::closed type::defect labels
What is your screen resolution?
Trac: Status: new to needs_information Keywords: 1000x600, tor browser, linux, 1000x500, fingerprinting, screen size deleted, ff52-esr added
Replying to cypherpunks:
What is your screen resolution? My screen resolution is 1366x768.
Trac: Status: needs_information to new
Do you have additional toolbars in your Tails environment or something similar that could account for the differences in your resulting height? Could you attach screenshots of your Tails and your Linux desktop with the Tor Browser window open?
Trac: Status: new to needs_information
Trac: Status: needs_information to closed Resolution: N/A to user disappeared
moved to tpo/applications/tor-browser#22675 (closed)