Cool, that is a great point, thanks for the feedback.
catalyst, what do you think about just requiring make distcheck, with a brief explanation that this task runs both the test suite and checks the distribution?
I think make distcheck is too cumbersome for ordinary contributors to run on every patch they submit. (At the very least, it takes significantly longer to run.) It builds a distribution tarball, does a build from that tarball (which easily takes much longer than an incremental build), runs make check, tests the installation rules/scripts, etc. I think it also won't use any custom ./configure options such as --enable-fragile-hardening that might help a developer find bugs in new code. I'm not sure whether make distcheck has more dependencies than make check, but if it does, that might be another reason to not require it from all contributors.
For comparison, the Jenkins builds do only make check not make distcheck. I think it only makes sense to do make distcheck when there are changes to build system components.
I think make check is a reasonable tradeoff between thoroughness and something that runs quickly enough that contributors would be willing to run it.
Maybe we could additionally recommend running make distcheck if you've touched build system stuff (like Makefiles or autoconf)?