lxc-based tor-browser-bundle builds failing
A clean build of tor-browser-bundle using lxc fails with the error:
cp: cannot stat 'base-jessie-amd64-bootstrap/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-init': No such file or directory
A clean build of tor-browser-bundle using lxc fails with the error:
cp: cannot stat 'base-jessie-amd64-bootstrap/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-init': No such file or directory
I noticed this error is fixed by the patch in this pull request that was merged into the gitian-builder master branch: https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder/pull/135
So here's a branch that cherry-picks that commit onto our tor-browser-4 branch: https://github.com/arthuredelstein/gitian-builder/commit/22954
Status: new to needs_review
Thanks. Applied to tor-browser-builder-4
with commit 5fbfab171782985bc3ae8ab4464b326aa34054b7.
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: needs_review to closed