Platform Detection Windows
Default Locale en-US – English (US)
Update Locale × No
Tor Browser 7.0.2
Firefox Build
Firefox Official Build × No
Firefox Release Build Yes
Firefox ESR Channel × No
Firefox Beta Channel × No
Firefox Developer Edition × No
Firefox Nightly Build × No
Firefox GTK Build × No
PDF.js × No
Default Preferences
Filename Items Hash
firefox.js 581 XX
firefox-branding.js 11 XX
firefox-l10n.js 2 XX
webide-prefs.js 25 XX
greprefs.js 1912 XX
000-tor-browser.js 224 XX
× 000-tor-browser.js – –
Total 2755 XX
When the TBB opened, go to add-ons and disable 2 Tor Addons.
Close TBB.
Open TBB's firefox.exe
"about:preferences#advanced" -> Network -> Settings.
Set a Tor proxy(in my case, my own tor hosted on network).
(by the way, many people use my method to use their own proxy such as Privoxy)
Visit some .onion to make sure Tor is working.
Then, try test above.
"about:config -> extensions.torbutton.resource_and_chrome_uri_fingerprinting"
Above name is not found on my config.
...Should I add this name:value pair? But where is this documented?
Ah, you are not using Tor Browser. So, this is not a Tor Browser bug then. Our defense against URI leaks is currently implemented in Torbutton. That said you can still use Torbutton and point your Tor Browser to a different Tor instance.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato invalid Status: needs_revision to closed
Ok I enabled "Tor Button" and restart the browser.
It now greets me with "Unable to find the proxy server".
I've look at network settings. My proxy settings are there, but TB stopped using it anymore.
That's why I had to disable it to use other Tor proxy. Do you understand?
I think so. But then this is a different bug and you should figure out what's wrong with the non-standard Tor Browser configuration. If you believe that's because of a bug please file a different ticket.
"Tor Button" - Security = High.
"Tor Button" could split into two.
"Tor Button" to control Tor
"Tor Security" to enahance/configure extra security
Torbutton is not starting/stopping Tor the controller in the browser is Tor Launcher.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato invalid Status: reopened to closed