Stop rejecting field queries due to capitalisation
On my iOS device, when I type a field name in the Atlas search bar, it capitalises the first letter. For example: "Contact:teor".
We should stop rejecting queries like this as malformed.
On my iOS device, when I type a field name in the Atlas search bar, it capitalises the first letter. For example: "Contact:teor".
We should stop rejecting queries like this as malformed.
This is not an Atlas issue but an Onionoo issue (= Atlas backend).
However, Onionoo is case-sensitive in other places, too, including document names, parameters, and even some search terms like base-64 encoded identities.
Becoming case-insensitive is something we might consider, but then we should probably do that consistently everywhere.
It might be easier to simply leave Onionoo unchanged and fix this usability issue in Atlas by resolving #23797 (moved). (Collecting enough Onionoo changes and putting out a new release will likely take weeks; and this issue is not clearly a bug but just a minor usability issue.)
Setting to needs_information until #23797 (moved) is resolved, and setting that ticket as parent ticket here, so that we'll have to revisit this ticket before being able to close that other one.
Status: new to needs_information
Parent: N/A to #23797 (moved)
Component: Metrics/Atlas to Metrics/Onionoo
I have disabled autocorrect and autocapitalisation in Atlas.
Parent: #23797 (moved) to N/A
Okay, great, I'm closing this ticket then. Thanks!
Resolution: N/A to wontfix
Status: needs_information to closed
mentioned in issue #23797 (moved)