Write a design document for the control interface for enhanced battery awareness on Android devices
We should begin writing a design document for the control interface for enhanced control of battery utilisation.
We should investigate how Tor and Orbot currently interacts with the platform and how this could be improved. Ideally in a manner that potentially could become useful for other mobile platforms such as iOS as well.
Android documents that might be worth reading for better knowledge of platform features when it comes to standby:
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- Alexander Hansen Færøy changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
- Alexander Hansen Færøy added 034-deferred-20180602 034-included-20180405 034-roadmap-subticket 034-triage-20180328 035-removed-20180711 TorCoreTeam201711.1 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: unspecified owner::ahf parent::25499 priority::medium resolution::implemented severity::normal status::closed type::defect labels
added 034-deferred-20180602 034-included-20180405 034-roadmap-subticket 034-triage-20180328 035-removed-20180711 TorCoreTeam201711.1 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: unspecified owner::ahf parent::25499 priority::medium resolution::implemented severity::normal status::closed type::defect labels
- Author Developer
Assigning to Nick.
Owner: N/A to nickm
Status: new to assigned Trac:
Keywords: s8-201711 deleted, s8-201711 TorCoreTeam201711.1 addedAttaching a draft for initial comment. I'll send it to tor-dev next week.
Cc: N/A to ahf, hellais, darkk, brade, mcs, sbs, mike@tig.asTrac:
Cc: ahf, hellais, darkk, brade, mcs, sbs, mike@tig.as to ahf, hellais, darkk, brade, mcs, sbs, mtigasThis looks great to me. Don't know the specifics of Android, but what you've got would be super useful for the limited callbacks we get on iOS: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/TheAppLifeCycle/TheAppLifeCycle.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH2-SW3
The app's
orapplicationDidEnterBackground :
are where I'd likely callSIGNAL SLEEP
, and likewise withapplicationDidBecomeActive:
. (Right now I think I only callSIGNAL HUP
time, which doesn't always gracefully recover from the iOS background state. So think this will be very useful.)But yeah, LGTM (from the iOS point of view).
I've added the proposal above as proposal 286.
Keywords: s8-201711 TorCoreTeam201711.1 deleted, s8-201711, TorCoreTeam201711.1, 034-triage-20180328 addedPer our triage process, these tickets are pending removal from 0.3.4.
Keywords: N/A deleted, 034-removed-20180328 addedTrac:
Keywords: 034-removed-20180328 deleted, 034-roadmap-subticket 034-included-20180405 added
Parent: N/A to #25499 (moved)Trac:
Owner: nickm to ahfDeferring non-must tickets to 0.3.5
Milestone: Tor: 0.3.4.x-final to Tor: 0.3.5.x-final
Keywords: 034-roadmap-subticket 034-included-20180405 deleted, 034-included-20180405, 034-roadmap-subticket, 034-deferred-20180602 addedThese tickets are being triaged out of 0.3.5. The ones marked "035-roadmap-proposed" may return.
Milestone: Tor: 0.3.5.x-final to Tor: unspecified
Keywords: N/A deleted, 035-removed-20180711 addedSubsumed in Dormant* options.
Resolution: N/A to implemented
Status: assigned to closed- Trac closed
- Nick Mathewson mentioned in issue #24108 (moved)
mentioned in issue #24108 (moved)
- mtigas mentioned in issue #24204 (moved)
mentioned in issue #24204 (moved)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#24107 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#24107 (closed)