unable to resolve DNS requests from control port, regression
setevents addrmap
250 OK
resolve blog.torproject.org
250 OK
650 ADDRMAP blog.torproject.org <error> "2018-03-25 08:39:54" error=yes EXPIRES="2018-03-25 12:39:54" CACHED="NO"
Mar 25 08:39:55 Tor[]: Refusing to connect to hostname [scrubbed] because Port has NoDNSRequest set.
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- starlight changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.3.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.3.3.x-final
I can confirm that the above sequence happens as described -- in master and in maint-0.2.9.
You say regression -- can you remind us when this used to work? :)
- Author
er, not sure. . .2.6.something?
Seems to me client DNS was extensively renovated along the way with an eye toward IPv6. SocksPort flag NoDNSRequest is new and related I think. Perhaps +DNSRequest or -NoDNSRequest applied invisibly to control ports would fix?
Possible regression thus marking it for proposed inclusion in 033.
Milestone: N/A to Tor: 0.3.3.x-final
Keywords: N/A deleted, tor-control, 033-must, tor-dns, regression addedLooks like that feature went into, as part of #18693 (moved).
Looks like the fix should go in dnsserv_launch_request() down when we're messing with
.This is a one-line fix fwict
Status: new to accepted
Owner: N/A to nickmbug25617_029
is a fix here; it works fine for me.Trac:
Keywords: N/A deleted, 029-backport 031-backport 032-backport added
Status: accepted to needs_reviewAlso works for me!
RESOLVE test.com 250 OK 650 ADDRMAP test.com "2018-03-29 11:23:34" EXPIRES="2018-03-29 15:23:34" CACHED="
Status: needs_review to merge_ready
Reviewer: N/A to dgouletI think for this one we could happily put the fix into 0.3.3 and not do backports. It is indeed broken in earlier versions, but it has been for a long time, and this is the first we noticed, and also it's kind of an 'expert' feature.
Merged to 0.3.3. Not marking for backport, per my inclination and Roger's recommendation.
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: merge_ready to closed- Trac closed
- teor mentioned in issue #25919 (moved)
mentioned in issue #25919 (moved)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#25617 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#25617 (closed)