Hi juga, please make the other trac tickets in your list of work into children of this task.
You can make a ticket into a child of this ticket by setting its Parent ID to "#25925 (moved)".
Now that SoP finished, should this ticket be closed?, should the remaining opened tickets be made:
childs of a new parent ticket (PF?)
Some of these tasks are important, and others are not.
work out which tasks we need to do
find out if any tasks are missing
put the tasks we need to do under a new parent ticket
assigned a component (what about having a tor-bwauth component and not just keyword?)
In Core Tor, we have a component for each piece of software. (The DirAuth component is for directory authority config changes.)
"tor-bwauth" is not a component, it's a group of related tasks in different components. These tasks are already assigned to Tor, sbws, Torflow, and Chutney.
tagged as tor-bwauth?
Good idea!
We can also tag them with bwauth-sop-2018 so we know which tasks used to be under this ticket.
I think this parent would be more useful to track only Core-Tor tickets, since sbws can be track by component.
If you agree, i'll remove the children that are sbws and leave only the Core-Tor ones.
I think this parent would be more useful to track only Core-Tor tickets, since sbws can be track by component.
If you agree, i'll remove the children that are sbws and leave only the Core-Tor ones.
Ok, that works.
Or you can just use a keyword to track Core Tor tickets. Whatever is easier for you.