Newest version of Vidalia aren't in repository for Ubuntu
Newest version of Vidalia aren't in Tor repository for Ubuntu. Latest version of Vidalia there is 0.2.9 and the latest is 0.2.10
Username: Mkaysi
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I see Vidalia 0.2.10 in the repositories at [].
Owner: chiiph to weasel
Status: new to assigned
Component: Vidalia to Tor bundles/installationTrac:
Owner: weasel to N/ADoes Vidalia have a maintainer in ubuntu? Should we ask them to delete it like we asked them to delete Tor?
Reassigning to ioerror since he was our ubuntu enthusiast.
Owner: N/A to ioerrorLooks like they made some progress in the past 21 months.
But Vidalia 0.2.21 is out, and ubuntu has only 0.2.20. So the general issue remains.
I guess we didn't get our act together in time to tell them to pull it.
Should we do that now, or what?
Keywords: N/A deleted, needs-triage addedIf it's for Tor bundles/installation then: Vidalia is deprecated.
Status: assigned to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed- Trac closed