is down?
2018/07/06 04:58:45 error dialing relay: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp [2a00:c6c0:0:151:4:8f94:69f5:7c01]:443: connect: connection refused
2018/07/06 04:58:45 error dialing relay: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp [2a00:c6c0:0:151:4:8f94:69f5:7c01]:443: connect: connection refused
Thanks for reporting this. The problem was that the disk was full, mainly of log lines saying broker returns: 504
. For now, I compressed the logs to make room, but we'll have to do rotation or less logging in the future. (Cf. #21304 (moved))
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: new to closed
Status: closed to reopened
Resolution: fixed to N/A
Duplicate of #26652 (moved).
Resolution: N/A to duplicate
Status: reopened to closed
mentioned in issue #28390 (moved)
mentioned in issue #29863 (moved)
mentioned in issue tpo/anti-censorship/pluggable-transports/snowflake#29863