Update keyring/torbrowser.gpg for new subkey
We need to update keyring/torbrowser.gpg
to add the new subkey that was used to sign the last alpha.
This should fix the download of 8.0a9 in make incrementals-alpha
We need to update keyring/torbrowser.gpg
to add the new subkey that was used to sign the last alpha.
This should fix the download of 8.0a9 in make incrementals-alpha
There is a patch doing that in branch bug_27174
Status: new to needs_review
Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201808 deleted, TorBrowserTeam201808R added
Looks good. Fixed in commit 48ff98c88e3359cfd0490acc9a0346b3d0c5bd3a on master
Status: needs_review to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed