Migrated from old track:
"Node footprint, IP address, uptime, bandwidth, platform etc could be optionally displayed as columns. Being able to sort by various criteria would be useful. "
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I have done some work on this ticket. I am looking forward to see your opinion about made changes.
You can find my work on https://github.com/beduin/vidalia. You need branch tick#237. Description of what I was going to do, what I have done and what problems remains you can read in README.taskDescription file in the repo root.
tb->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); 176 214 ui.horizontalLayout->addWidget(tb); 177 - 215 + 178 216 /* Restore the state of each splitter */
This new line is added/removed due to double white space that was there before.
Sorting IPs:
/** Convert IP numbers to quint64 for the comparison operator * filling the dot separated groups with zeroes if necessary. */quint64RouterListItem::iptoquint64(const RouterListItem *ListItem) const{ bool ok; quint64 a_IPnumber; QString a_IPString; a_IPString = ListItem->descriptor().ip().toString(); QStringList ListIP = a_IPString.split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts); a_IPString = ""; for (int i = ListIP.size()-1; i >= 1; i--) { ListIP[i] = ListIP[i].rightJustified(3, '0'); a_IPString.prepend(ListIP[i]); } a_IPString.prepend(ListIP[0]); a_IPnumber = a_IPString.toULongLong(&ok, 10); return(a_IPnumber);}
Trac: Username: sirop Status: needs_revision to needs_review
You should mimic what classes like BandwidthGraph do for settings
(use getSettings, saveSettings)
(This point is more of a general programming issue, you shouldn't
have to take into account this if you follow the previous point) If
you are going to create VSettings *settings and delete it a little
bit after that, it's faster to just use VSettings settings.
Although it might be better to have a class global VSettings
You seem to have changed the RouterListWidget for a QTabWidget, you
should change that back.
You used " Relay Panel " as a string, you should use spaces to
format something in the GUI because it will change if the user has a
different font size configuration. Please use spacers for that, or
something similar.
Variables named a_IPnumber should be ipNumber, please don't mix
camelCase with other naming styles.
I won't apply your patch and test until these other issues are solved,
so I will ask you: do you hide the settings like the Bandwidth Graph
or the Message Log does?
I have also attached two *.png's showing the Relay panel as a TabWidget with TreeListWidget inside the first tab.
BW Graph is a Vidalia tab, whereas Relay panel is only a panel in the Network Tab
and thus much smaller. That's why I thought that a extra button on the Relay panel
would be not appropriate.
Trac: Username: sirop Status: needs_revision to needs_review
The GUI layout on the other hand needs a little bit more work. I suggest you mimic how tabs like Message Log handle settings. I think it may be a good idea to have a settings button in the Network Map's toolbar, that makes a separate groupbox show at the bottom. In the future, if we add more options to configure the map, it will be a good place to put other configuration UI.
I agree that this part of Vidalia may have a lot of widgets, but I can't think a better way of doing this. Vidalia should have a regular GUI across all its sections, so users that got used to how things are done with the "old parts" of it understand the "new parts".
Why are you using Qt's special naming convention to have slots without the need of connect() calls, and connecting them too? It seems redundant. Also, you should use camelCase names for methods (with normal names), and connect them as you are doing already. For example, on_chkShowUptime_clicked should be something like chkShowUptimeClicked. But, with the new loadSettings/saveSettings behavior, is there are real need for those slots? Imagine this: what would a user think if she clicks on a checkbox and suddenly a column appears/disappears without having to press "Save"? It's kind of confusing, don't you think?
Regarding the Layout, the Save and Cancel buttons should be stitched to the right of the dialog. It's probably a layout issue, if you have, say, a GridLayout for the whole settings groupbox, it will stretch as needed and you won't have buttons like in your screenshot.
Keep it up and we will be merging this in no time!