Release metrics-web 1.2.0
Yesterday we decided to release metrics-lib 2.5.0 with ExoneraTor 4.0.0 as dependency, so that people can build master with the dependencies from the latest release.
I'm going to post a branch and tarball soon.
Yesterday we decided to release metrics-lib 2.5.0 with ExoneraTor 4.0.0 as dependency, so that people can build master with the dependencies from the latest release.
I'm going to post a branch and tarball soon.
Tarball is on corsicum in my home directory, because people.tpo is currently unavailable.
Status: assigned to needs_review
Replying to irl:
The tarball seems to have metrics-lib-2.4.0.jar in lib/ and in the ant scripts.
I guess as 2.5.0 is not released yet this is correct just seems worth mentioning.
True. We could have released metrics-lib first and then metrics-web with the new metrics-lib dependency. I didn't think of that, though it's not super important in this case. However, given that we're so close to the Mexico meeting, I put out the metrics-web release with the metrics-lib 2.4.0 dependency.
Other than that, looks good.
Closing. Thanks!
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed