Rebrand Tor Browser's Window's Installer
The windows NSIS installer could use some rebranding as well!
TODO per build (stable, alpha, nightly):
- icon
- default install path and shortcut name (to allow side-by-side installation)
- release-OS−ARCH -> 'Tor Browser'
- alpha-OS−ARCH -> 'Tor Browser Alpha'
- nightly-OS−ARCH -> 'Tor Browser Nightly'
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28546_00.patchThese patches update the branding for tor-browser's windows NSIS installer. The new channel specific icons are used and the default install path and shortcuts include the channel name to allow side-by-side installations. The shortcut name has also been changed from 'Start Tor Browser' to:
- release -> 'Tor Browser.lnk'
- nightly -> 'Tor Browser Nightly.lnk'
- alpha -> 'Tor Browser Alpha.lnk'
tbb-windows-installer patch (I don't seem to have a tbb-windows-installer gitweb):
tor-browser-build change:
EDIT: Updated the icons used with less-squashed versions from #25702 (moved)
Status: assigned to needs_review
Cc: tbb-team to tbb-team, antonela
Keywords: N/A deleted, TorBrowserTeam201811R addedMove review tickets to Decemeber.
Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201811R deleted, TorBrowserTeam201812R addedMoving review tickets to 2019.
Keywords: TorBrowserTeam201812R deleted, TorBrowserTeam201901R addedTrac:
Parent: #25702 (moved) to N/AI tested this patch with release and nightly builds, and it looks good to me.
I opened a pull request to merge the patch to upstream git repo:
Replying to pospeselr:
tor-browser-build change:
I cherry-picked this commit, and added the tbb-windows-installer version change, and pushed this as commit
Resolution: N/A to fixed
Status: needs_review to closedFWIW, we needed to back this out for the 8.5a7 release due to #29185 (moved). No reopening necessary as we deal with re-landing the patch there as well.
- Trac closed
- morgan mentioned in issue #28809 (moved)
mentioned in issue #28809 (moved)
- morgan mentioned in issue #28810 (moved)
mentioned in issue #28810 (moved)
- Georg Koppen mentioned in issue #29185 (moved)
mentioned in issue #29185 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser#28809 (moved)
mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser#28809 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser#28810 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser#28810 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser-build#29185 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser-build#29185 (closed)
- morgan mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser-build#40569 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/applications/tor-browser-build#40569 (closed)