I installed the Tor Bridge. When launched, it gets stuck:
Dec 04 10:42:33.943 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL LibreSSL 2.8.2, Zlib 1.2.8, Liblzma N/A, and Libzstd N/A.Dec 04 10:42:33.944 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warningDec 04 10:42:33.944 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc".Dec 04 10:42:33.947 [notice] Scheduler type KIST has been enabled.Dec 04 10:42:33.947 [notice] Opening Socks listener on 04 10:42:33.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /usr/local/share/tor/geoip.Dec 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file /usr/local/share/tor/geoip6.Dec 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] We were built to run on a 64-bit CPU, with OpenSSL 1.0.1 or later, but with a version of OpenSSL that apparently lacks accelerated support for the NIST P-224 and P-256 groups. Building openssl with such support (using the enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 option when configuring it) would make ECDH much faster.Dec 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 0%: StartingDec 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] Starting with guard context "bridges"Dec 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] new bridge descriptor 'huy' (cached): $3E0CFCEE7183970DCC70ABC2D10518BC288BF0DE~huy at 04 10:42:34.000 [notice] Delaying directory fetches: Pluggable transport proxies still configuringDec 04 10:42:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory serverDec 04 10:42:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory serverDec 04 10:42:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 15%: Establishing an encrypted directory connectionDec 04 10:42:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 20%: Asking for networkstatus consensusDec 04 10:42:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 25%: Loading networkstatus consensusDec 04 10:47:39.000 [notice] Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges
My ISP does not block Tor. This problem does not depend on the country, because I tested the Tor client with my bridge in Russia, Germany and the Netherlands. The same problem occurs without using obfs4proxy. I think that in this case it has nothing to do with the time zone.
Trac: Username: loskiq
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Unless you changed the IPv4 address to an IPv6 address when you redacted it.
(Please don't change logs without telling us what you changed, it makes debugging much harder.)
Can you check if port 40635 is open on IPv4, IPv6, or both?
If it's open on IPv4, tor has a logging bug.
If it's not, you can use ServerTransportListenAddress to set the correct address.
And tor has a default IP version bug.
Also, you probably don't need this torrc option, it doesn't do anything on most systems:
HardwareAccel 1
I checked port 40635 on IPv4 via nmap, and it is open. I just changed the IP address of my bridge. Sorry. The correct IP address of my bridge is, not
loskiq@loskiq-work:~$ nmap -p 40635Starting Nmap 7.40 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-12-05 17:33 MSKNmap scan report for ec2-54-93-104-200.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com ( is up (0.070s latency).PORT STATE SERVICE40635/tcp open unknownNmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.28 seconds
And I removed the option HardwareAccel. Thanks for this.
And it's still not clear why your client can't connect to your bridge.
Can you connect to the obfs4 port from your client's IP address?
Is the bridge line correct?
Can you collect info-level logs on the client, and post them here.
(You can redact if you want to.)
The client can connect to your bridge, but your bridge has no descriptor:
Dec 05 17:57:29.000 [info] handle_response_fetch_desc(): Received server info (body size 0) from server ''Dec 05 17:57:29.000 [info] handle_response_fetch_desc(): Received http status code 404 ("Servers unavailable") from server '' while fetching "/tor/server/authority.z". I'll try again soon.
That's really strange, because your bridge has a descriptor:
Dec 04 09:07:05.000 [notice] Guessed our IP address as (source: 04 09:07:05.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
Can you please post the logs from your bridge, after you changed the IP address and restarted the bridge?
Can you post info-level logs from your client and bridge, that contain the lines that your client and bridge log when the client tries to connect?
Dec 04 10:47:39.000 [notice] Delaying directory fetches: No running bridges}}}
I have seen this error before while testing PTs. I think it is a tor bug. I don't know the exact cause, but after a few bridge failures, tor will cache the fact that it thinks all bridges are down, and refuse even to try connecting to them. See:
My usual workaround is to delete the /state file and restart tor. You can also try adding a line like this to your torrc:
DataDirectory tmp-datadir
If that works, then the problem is likely the one I described.
Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately it did not help me. First I deleted /state and restarted bridge, then I changed DataDirectory to /tmp, restarted bridge and wrote the necessary changes to torrc of client. Client still unable to connect and stuck in 25%.
I have just tested working with another obfs4 bridge received from bridges@torproject.org. The problem persists. Stuck in 25%. But there is a bridge with which the client works correctly.
I just installed the bridge version, and the client immediately started working. I believe that the problem of 25% is related to the new version of the bridge.
I just installed the bridge version, and the client immediately started working. I believe that the problem of 25% is related to the new version of the bridge.
Oh! How surprising. I see from tor_bridge.log that formerly you were using So downgrading from to on the bridge (keeping the client at made the bridge start working.
This also matches with the bridges you posted in comment:16.
I'll ask and see if any core-tor developer have an idea about what it wrong. If you have time, you can help by testing versions between and to see which versions work.
diff --git a/src/or/main.c b/src/or/main.cindex bc01e07..dd1f0d6 100644--- a/src/or/main.c+++ b/src/or/main.c@@ -404,6 +404,9 @@ connection_unlink(connection_t *conn) connection_free(conn); }+/** Event that invokes schedule_active_linked_connections_cb. */+static mainloop_event_t *schedule_active_linked_connections_event = NULL;+ /** * Callback: used to activate read events for all linked connections, so * libevent knows to call their read callbacks. This callback run as a@@ -420,11 +423,10 @@ schedule_active_linked_connections_cb(mainloop_event_t *ev * so that libevent knows to run their callbacks. */ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(active_linked_connection_lst, connection_t *, conn, event_active(conn->read_event, EV_READ, 1));+ if (smartlist_len(active_linked_connection_lst)) //QQQ: vvv safe?+ mainloop_event_activate(schedule_active_linked_connections_event); }-/** Event that invokes schedule_active_linked_connections_cb. */-static mainloop_event_t *schedule_active_linked_connections_event = NULL;- /** Initialize the global connection list, closeable connection list, * and active connection list. */ STATIC void
I think there is an issue with the bridge itself, some sort of heavy throttling maybe. In the debug logs of the tor client, I see bursts of cells (no clear patterns but between 30 and 60 cells every 2 to 5 minutes) and then it get stuck waiting for more, tor just sits there idle waiting for I'm guessing the download to complete... I bet if I let it sit there long enough, the download would finish.
(I wonder if weasel's surprisingly varying bootstrap times for tor clients has to do with directory authorities, or fallbackdirs, now running substantially on Tor 0.3.4.x or later.)
See old code for "called_loop_once = smartlist_len(active_linked_connection_lst) ? 1 : 0;"
Stuck at:
diff --git a/src/or/connection.c a/src/or/connection.cindex 0a2a635..0e051a5 100644--- a/src/or/connection.c+++ b/src/or/connection.c@@ -3428,6 +3428,8 @@ connection_handle_read_impl(connection_t *conn) if (!buf_datalen(linked->outbuf) && conn->active_on_link) connection_stop_reading_from_linked_conn(conn);+ /* Now. Now. If code still reading from connection then code */+ /* must to reactivate event. It's linked connection. */ } /* If we hit the EOF, call connection_reached_eof(). */ if (!conn->marked_for_close &&
We've used the mainloop patch for now instead of going with reactivating the linked connection if it still has data to send. The reason is that it is a safer fix because <= 0.3.3 has that behavior. Doing the latter would require new tricky code that could introduce more issues :S.
I believe that the proposed patch above is the same patch as for #28912 (moved), which should be fixed in and Please reopen if this happens between a client and a relay running those versions or later?
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato fixed Milestone: Tor: unspecified to Tor: 0.3.4.x-final Status: needs_review to closed