karsten and irl (CCed) plan to implement in https://gitweb.torproject.org/onionperf.git the method they explained to me, which basically is:
Start downloading a big file and check (maybe every second?) when the download speed stabilizes, ie, doesn't change too much with respect to previous values. The speed at this point is the speed to be reported.
Add keyword to tickets that imply a change of version patch, since it might affect the results, but in a backwards compatible way and doesn't add functionality.
This ticket involves a major change to the sbws measurement method.
It should be added as a new, optional feature.
And then we should test it before making it the default.
We can't make major changes to the measurement method in a patch release. That's completely against semantic versioning. Patch releases contain small bugfixes, with predictable, low-risk outcomes.