My internet connection is IPv6-only, although DNS64+NAT64 is available.
When I try to use Tor Browser, it fails to open correctly. It also prints log messages like this:
[NOTICE] Opened Socks listener on [WARN] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%: Connecting to directory server. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 3; recommendation warn; host x at [WARN] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%: Connecting to directory server. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 4; recommendation warn; host x at [NOTICE] Closing no-longer-configured Socks listener on
Note that most (non-Tor) things work perfectly fine on my connection, as long as the application is capable of resolving AAAA records and/or connecting over AF_INET6.
I acknowledge that Tor tends not to be DNS-based (hence DNS64 doesn't help in this case). But I would expect Tor to have a list of IPv6 directory servers to try to connect to in lieu of IPv4.
Until Tor tries to connect to IPv6 directory servers, Tor Browser will be completely unusable for people on IPv6-only internet connections.
Version: Tor Browser 8.0.6 on mac OS 10.14.3.
Trac: Username: jeremyvisser
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Tor does have a set of hard-coded IPv6 directory servers, but they're not on by default.
You can try setting "ClientPreferIPv6ORPort 1" in your torrc.
There are a few ways for us to fix this issue permanently:
tor can learn to auto-detect IPv6-only local addresses, and set "ClientPreferIPv6ORPort 1". This is a quick fix. But if we get the detection wrong, users won't be able to connect.
tor can learn to connect over IPv4 and IPv6, and use whichever one works. We have an experimental "ClientAutoIPv6ORPort" option in our alpha versions. But we're not sure if it will trigger other bugs. (For example, the guard code stops using guards when there are too many failures.) It needs more testing.
Tor Browser can learn to auto-detect IPv6-only networks, and set the appropriate options. Or it can add a Tor Launcher option that says "I am on an IPv6-only network". OnionBrowser uses this strategy.
This issue also affects Tor Browser for Android, because some mobile companies have IPv6-only networks (for example, parts of T-mobile's network).
Tor does have a set of hard-coded IPv6 directory servers, but they're not on by default.
You can try setting "ClientPreferIPv6ORPort 1" in your torrc.
There are a few ways for us to fix this issue permanently:
tor can learn to auto-detect IPv6-only local addresses, and set "ClientPreferIPv6ORPort 1". This is a quick fix. But if we get the detection wrong, users won't be able to connect.
tor can learn to connect over IPv4 and IPv6, and use whichever one works. We have an experimental "ClientAutoIPv6ORPort" option in our alpha versions. But we're not sure if it will trigger other bugs. (For example, the guard code stops using guards when there are too many failures.) It needs more testing.
Tor Browser can learn to auto-detect IPv6-only networks, and set the appropriate options. Or it can add a Tor Launcher option that says "I am on an IPv6-only network". OnionBrowser uses this strategy.
I'd like to avoid that workaround if possible and get this fixed in tor land. teor: what would be a good tor ticket for the tbb-needs keyword?
tor can learn to connect over IPv4 and IPv6, and use whichever one works. We have an experimental "ClientAutoIPv6ORPort" option in our alpha versions. But we're not sure if it will trigger other bugs. (For example, the guard code stops using guards when there are too many failures.) It needs more testing.
I am fine setting that in the alpha series if you think that would be helpful to shake out bugs on tor's side. What's the tor ticket implementing that option?
Tor does have a set of hard-coded IPv6 directory servers, but they're not on by default.
There are a few ways for us to fix this issue permanently:
Tor Browser can learn to auto-detect IPv6-only networks, and set the appropriate options. Or it can add a Tor Launcher option that says "I am on an IPv6-only network". OnionBrowser uses this strategy.
I'd like to avoid that workaround if possible and get this fixed in tor land. teor: what would be a good tor ticket for the tbb-needs keyword?
#17835 (moved), with a note saying that you need Tor to work on IPv4, IPv6, and dual-stack networks without extra configuration.
(We won't do all the child tickets - they are ideas that we can try if we need to.)
You could say that you're trialling ClientAutoIPv6ORPort.
tor can learn to connect over IPv4 and IPv6, and use whichever one works. We have an experimental "ClientAutoIPv6ORPort" option in our alpha versions. But we're not sure if it will trigger other bugs. (For example, the guard code stops using guards when there are too many failures.) It needs more testing.
I am fine setting that in the alpha series if you think that would be helpful to shake out bugs on tor's side. What's the tor ticket implementing that option?
Oh, and before you deploy in Tor Browser, you'll need #27647 (moved), so that IPv6 guards don't end up with half of the (dual-stack) Tor client traffic.
And you'll need more IPv6 bridges in Tor Browser, otherwise the load might take down your single IPv6 bridge.
(Also, you'll want multiple IPv6 bridges for redundancy on IPv6-only clients.)
Are there enough Tor Browser alpha users to shift a significant fraction of Tor network traffic?
Or are there enough Tor Browser alpha users to bring down your IPv6 bridge?
Oh, and before you deploy in Tor Browser, you'll need #27647 (moved), so that IPv6 guards don't end up with half of the (dual-stack) Tor client traffic.
And you'll need more IPv6 bridges in Tor Browser, otherwise the load might take down your single IPv6 bridge.
(Also, you'll want multiple IPv6 bridges for redundancy on IPv6-only clients.)
Are there enough Tor Browser alpha users to shift a significant fraction of Tor network traffic?
Or are there enough Tor Browser alpha users to bring down your IPv6 bridge?
Yes, having a second IPv6 bridge for redundancy would be neat. However, I am not overly worried that the fraction of alpha users using bridges would bring the one down we have.
#30508 (moved) is the one for mobile. Meanwhile I moved forward and merged the patch to tor-browser-build's master with commit dd098db690092cba90a315853d624b5bf1cd97fe.
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato fixed Status: needs_review to closed
We don't currently have any schedule or funding for that proposal. We need more IPv6 relays before we can deploy proposal 306 across a large number of Tor clients, because the proposal has load-balancing impacts.