I have used Tor for many years and six days ago it stopped. I deleted it and reinstalled, i installed the newest beta, then reinstalled older versions.
help tells me that webGL failed to load. When I type a web address it times out. It appears to send info but receives nothing back.
Trac: Username: peterm
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I wonder what changed on your system so that it "stopped". Do you have an example web address that is not working for you but with your Firefox? Do you have some antivirus/firewall software that could interfere here? If so, which one? Does it solve your problem if you uninstall it (temporarily) and restart your computer? (Disabling is often not enough?
Thank you so much for helping me with this. i changed to MS Office 365 at about the same time. No web addresses work in Tor at all. It just sits there grinding away then times out. Every thing works in Firefox. I tested with Google.com.
I have turned off Total Defence Essential Antivirus and turned off the Windows Firewall then reinstalled Tor. This made no difference. I cannot pause the antivirus and restart as it starts right up again. I do not know how to uninstall the anti virus but will try using windows uninstall. The last time i did this it was very difficult as it resists being uninstalled like crazy.
Is the " WebGL creation failed: * " an issue here? I will uninstall the antivirus tomorrow and reinstall Tor again.
I have reinstalled Total Defence whilst playing a movie and it seems to be working perfectly. Until (next time Total Defence does an update) I wonder if this is a good idea.
Thank you for your help and patience.
The Trouble Shooting information looks exactly the same. The WebGL creation failed:*
The proxy settings are also the same, Manual Socks Host Port 9150
What a drag.
Thank you again for your patience.
Yeah, I think the WebGL issue is not the problem here. My bets are that your Total Defence Antivirus is interfering with Tor and falsely blocking it. There might be options in its settings that prevents it from doing active traffic monitoring or something, dunno. But my advice would be to get rid of it and just use Windows' own defense capabilities.
Trac: Status: needs_information to closed Resolution: N/Ato worksforme