Test banning ed25519 keys in the approved-routers file on moria1
After #22029 (moved) merges to master, we should test that we can ban ed25519 keys on the public tor network.
We should email arma after the merge, and close this ticket once he confirms that the feature works.
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- teor changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
changed milestone to %Tor: unspecified
Defer numerous 0.4.2 tickets to 0.4.3.
Keywords: N/A deleted, 042-deferred-20190918 added
Milestone: Tor: 0.4.2.x-final to Tor: 0.4.3.x-finalTrac:
Keywords: 042-deferred-20190918 deleted, 042-deferred-20190918 042-should added
Parent: #22029 (moved) to N/AThis code was merged in 0.4.3, so it's 043-should.
I think arma is the most logical person to do this test, because he often runs master on moria1. (Although any other authority operator could also run master and try it.
Owner: N/A to arma
Status: new to assigned
Keywords: 042-deferred-20190918 042-should deleted, 042-deferred-20190918 043-should addedIf somebody gives me an approved-routers line to add, I can add it. And then you can observe the resulting votes and decide whether it worked the way you want?
#30642 (moved) adds an ed25519_identity file to relay data directories. It's waiting for review.
So here's how we can move forward:
- a relay operator runs that branch on their relay,
- turns that file into a reject line,
- sends it to arma, and
- checks that moria1 excludes their relay.
I'll un-assign this ticket, so we assign it to a network team staff member to make this happen.
Owner: arma to N/ATrac:
Keywords: N/A deleted, network-health addedI will take over this. We'll provide to moria1 a legit reject by ed25519 id and see what happens :).
Status: new to accepted
Owner: N/A to dgouletThis depends on moria1 operator, arma, and arma's schedule is quantum so we shouldn't block 043 on this.
Milestone: Tor: 0.4.3.x-final to Tor: unspecified- Trac closed
- Trac changed time estimate to 8h
changed time estimate to 8h
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#30638 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#30638 (closed)