Attaching the version number only to snowflake-stats-end could be difficult to deal with, unless one specifies that snowflake-stats-end must always be the first field, or something.
Just trying to coordinate two tickets here. I made this change based on feedback from the metrics team here. The spec says that it does occur "At start, exactly once."
I could make a separate version line so the spec would be as follows:
"snowflake-stats-end" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (NSEC s) NL [At start, exactly once.] YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS defines the end of the included measurement interval of length NSEC seconds (86400 seconds by default). "snowflake-stats-version" V.v [Exactly once.] V.v defines the major and minor version of the snowflake broker stats specification being used. "snowflake-ips" CC=NUM,CC=NUM,... NL [At most once.] List of mappings from two-letter country codes to the number of unique IP addresses of snowflake proxies that have polled. "snowflake-ips-total" NUM NL [At most once.] A count of the total number of unique IP addresses of snowflake proxies that have polled.[omitting rest of spec]
I'll let the metrics team decide if this is easier/better.
We export metrics in the following (version 1.0) format: "snowflake-stats-end" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (NSEC s) NL [At start, exactly once.] YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS defines the end of the included measurement interval of length NSEC seconds (86400 seconds by default). "@type snowflake-stats 1.0" [Exactly once.] Defines the version of snowflake stats output being used (currently 1.0) "snowflake-ips" CC=NUM,CC=NUM,... NL [At most once.] List of mappings from two-letter country codes to the number of unique IP addresses of snowflake proxies that have polled. "snowflake-ips-total" NUM NL [At most once.] A count of the total number of unique IP addresses of snowflake proxies that have polled. "snowflake-idle-count" NUM NL [At most once.] A count of the number of times a proxy has polled but received no client offer, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. "client-denied-count" NUM NL [At most once.] A count of the number of times a client has requested a proxy from the broker but no proxies were available, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. "client-snowflake-match-count" NUM NL [At most once.] A count of the number of times a client successfully received a proxy from the broker, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8.
In dir-spec, lines starting with @ are treated as annotations that precede a descriptor and that can be stripped off without changing the descriptor. Including such a line inside a descriptor might be problematic.
But after reading this ticket and #29461 (moved), I wonder if my suggestion to add a version number was bad advice. After all, we already have snowflake-stats-end in the first line as unique identifier of this descriptor type. And if something in the data format changes, there will be a specification update introducing new lines anyway. It's probably not worth the effort to update existing specification, implementation, and data to add something that we probably won't need. Can I take this suggestion back and we leave the format unchanged? (Sorry!!)
In dir-spec, lines starting with @ are treated as annotations that precede a descriptor and that can be stripped off without changing the descriptor. Including such a line inside a descriptor might be problematic.
But after reading this ticket and #29461 (moved), I wonder if my suggestion to add a version number was bad advice. After all, we already have snowflake-stats-end in the first line as unique identifier of this descriptor type. And if something in the data format changes, there will be a specification update introducing new lines anyway. It's probably not worth the effort to update existing specification, implementation, and data to add something that we probably won't need. Can I take this suggestion back and we leave the format unchanged? (Sorry!!)
Thanks karsten and no worries, it's best to figure out how to make our lives easier in the future and plan for changes now. So if we do end up changing the specification later, will leaving out a version annotation be okay to deal with? I suppose we can archive old versions of the spec in the snowflake repo and make a note of when the change to the new spec was made. I agree now that I'm looking into the annotations more that it's best to leave it out of the descriptor itself.
I'm looking at now and if the snowflake metrics are going to be archived there, it probably does make sense for them to have an annotation similar to all of the other archived metrics. Just to clarify how the annotations typically work, would we simply move the "@type snowflake-stats 1.0" line to before snowflake-stats-end? Do these other collected metrics provide annotations to CollecTor along with the metrics data in the GET request? Or are they added on your end?
I think it's fine to leave out version information from the descriptor. You could easily add new keywords or extend existing keywords without breaking compatibility. The only think I can imagine that would be problematic is changing the snowflake-stats-end line or leaving it out in a future version.
Don't worry about the @type annotation line. That gets added by CollecTor. No need to change anything on your side.
I think it's fine to leave out version information from the descriptor. You could easily add new keywords or extend existing keywords without breaking compatibility. The only think I can imagine that would be problematic is changing the snowflake-stats-end line or leaving it out in a future version.
Don't worry about the @type annotation line. That gets added by CollecTor. No need to change anything on your side.
Okay thanks for answering these questions I think we're safe on snowflake-stats-end for the foreseeable future :)
Trac: Status: needs_review to closed Resolution: N/Ato wontfix