Looks good to me. This is also related to #19774 (moved), we could keep an eye on that and think about whether we want a similar favicon for all our circumvention stuff.
For what it's worth, I went an onion instead of a snowflake here because I was concerned that there might be some confusion with the extension's toolbar icon.
However, maybe it's worth adding a snowflake favicon to https://snowflake.torproject.org/embed.html that gets updated with state, similar to the extension's browserAction.setIcon, so that you can use a pinned tab in situations where installing an extension is not feasible.
However, maybe it's worth adding a snowflake favicon to https://snowflake.torproject.org/embed.html that gets updated with state, similar to the extension's browserAction.setIcon, so that you can use a pinned tab in situations where installing an extension is not feasible.
However, maybe it's worth adding a snowflake favicon to https://snowflake.torproject.org/embed.html that gets updated with state, similar to the extension's browserAction.setIcon, so that you can use a pinned tab in situations where installing an extension is not feasible.
375 KB seems big for a favicon; maybe it's better to use a single PNG and let the browser resize it, rather than have all the sizes precomputed in the ICO file. The 256×256 PNG is 87 KB and the 128×128 is 10 KB.