I think I found a possible alternative by using data from another provider. But before I name it here, I'd first want to find out how accurate it is.
I tried resolving relay IP addresses of relays that have been running in the past week and compared that to our existing lookups using MaxMind's October database. The result is that 7669 relays (93%) had the same country code and ASN. I put the remaining 7% on this wiki page and would like to hear from relay operators which data source is right and which is wrong (or if both are wrong). Relay operators can leave comments either here or in the "Comments" column on that wiki page. I'll post to the tor-relays@ mailing list and ask relay operators for participation.
Country, region, city: EU (Region, City is not part of the whois)
ASN, ISP: AS205365, "Matthias Fetzer"
According to old db:
Country, region, city: null, null, null
ASN, ISP: AS205365, "Matthias Fetzer"
According to new db:
Country, region, city: Ukraine, Odessa, Odessa
ASN, ISP: AS205365, "FETZER"
The new database is correct, regarding the physical location. The server is indeed running in Odessa, Ukraine. The allocation (before it was transfered to me) has been registered to Odessa, Ukraine before. So I am not sure if the new database uses old data (instead of "no data", which the old db did), or if they actually process traceroutes in order to determine the location.
As the officially registration states "EU" as the Country, I would actually expect it to be determined as "EU".
Looking at a sample of deltas and corresponding BGP announcements indicates the new database is indeed more accurate; it seems to prefer "actual" location to what can be derived from solely from WHOIS.
maxmind: as: AS200052 (outdated since some weeks)
maxmind: country: DE <--------------------- Ops, but not completely wrong
new-db: as: AS208294
new-db: country: NL <--------------------- for me it looks better
Maxmind: 1 (okay, this is just outdated, maybe they need some more weeks (years?))
New-DB: 0
Country Wrong:
Maxmind: 1.5 (listened the operator as country)
New-DB: 2
My personal experience with maxmind is, that they just don't response to contact about wrong entries. Maybe it would be a good idea to the that on the New-DB.
New geoip source is wrong for all AS28753 relays. Maxmind has correctly located these in Germany; new source has Netherlands. AS description says it: "LEASEWEB-DE-FRA-10," where FRA is Frankfurt.
We are looking into the license of the new source to be sure it will work.
Gaba, let us know if you need help with the license side of it.
It sounds from the above that the new database is not much worse than the current database (and possibly as good or better), so it sounds like a winner to me, if we are indeed unable to continue with the maxmind one.