Deploy sbws in the rest of bwauths
When we're ready to deploy sbws in all the remaining bwauths (3/6), send an email to the dirauths to start the transition process.
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- juga changed milestone to %sbws: 1.1.x-final
changed milestone to %sbws: 1.1.x-final
Child Ticket(s): #34309 (moved), #30726 (moved), #30727 (moved), #33033 (moved), #30733 (moved), #30735 (moved), #33947 (moved), #29728 (moved), #33572 (moved), #33831 (moved), #33832 (moved), #33199 (moved), #33077 (moved), #33472 (moved), #34393 (moved), #34394 (moved), #33775 (moved), #33009 (moved), #30067 (moved), #30196 (moved), #30719 (moved)- Trac changed time estimate to 16h
changed time estimate to 16h
- juga mentioned in issue #33166 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33166 (moved)
- juga mentioned in issue #33167 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33167 (moved)
- juga mentioned in issue #33198 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33198 (moved)
- Georg Koppen mentioned in issue #33350 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33350 (moved)
- juga mentioned in issue #33691 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33691 (moved)
- juga mentioned in issue #33775 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33775 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #29728 (moved)
mentioned in issue #29728 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30067 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30067 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30196 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30196 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30719 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30719 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30735 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30735 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30727 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30727 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30726 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30726 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #30733 (moved)
mentioned in issue #30733 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #33009 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33009 (moved)