Make sure relay protocol lists are sorted
Tor's directory specification says that protocols should be sorted by keyword:
But many relays current protocol lists are:
Cons=1-2 ... Relay=1-2 Padding=2 FlowCtrl=1
We should sort these lists, and make sure they stay sorted.
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- teor changed milestone to %Tor: 0.4.4.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.4.4.x-final
Parent Ticket: #33048 (moved)- teor added actualpoints::0.4 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: 0.4.4.x-final network-team-roadmap-2020Q1 no-backport owner::teor parent::33048 points::0.3 priority::medium resolution::fixed reviewer::nickm severity::normal sponsor::55-must status::closed technical-debt tor-relay type::defect version::tor labels
added actualpoints::0.4 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: 0.4.4.x-final network-team-roadmap-2020Q1 no-backport owner::teor parent::33048 points::0.3 priority::medium resolution::fixed reviewer::nickm severity::normal sponsor::55-must status::closed technical-debt tor-relay type::defect version::tor labels
See my PR:
We don't need to backport this change, the protocol order in relay descriptors is not significant.
As relays upgrade to 0.4.4, and upload their new descriptors, their protocol lines will change in the consensus, as soon as a majority of authorities vote for the new protocol line. (And relays upgrading after #33048 (moved) is merged, will also gain support for Relay=3.)
Status: assigned to needs_reviewLGTM. I've added a request for documentation on the new named constants; once that's done, please feel free to put this in merge_ready.
Status: needs_review to needs_revisionthanks; merged to master!
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to fixed- Trac closed
- Trac changed time estimate to 2h 24m
changed time estimate to 2h 24m
- Trac added 3h 12m of time spent
added 3h 12m of time spent
- teor mentioned in issue #34249 (moved)
mentioned in issue #34249 (moved)
- Trac mentioned in issue #33048 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33048 (moved)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#33285 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#33285 (closed)
- Trac mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#34249 (closed)
mentioned in issue tpo/core/tor#34249 (closed)