Update dir-spec for consensus voting improvements
In #4631 (moved), we change how authorities handle late posted votes. We need to update the dir-spec for this change.
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- teor changed milestone to %Tor: 0.4.4.x-final
changed milestone to %Tor: 0.4.4.x-final
Parent Ticket: #33050 (moved)- teor added actualpoints::0.1 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: 0.4.4.x-final network-team-roadmap-2020Q1 owner::teor parent::33050 points::0.1 priority::medium resolution::implemented reviewer::nickm robustness severity::normal sponsor::55-can status::closed tor-dirauth torspec type::task voting labels
added actualpoints::0.1 component::core tor/tor milestone::Tor: 0.4.4.x-final network-team-roadmap-2020Q1 owner::teor parent::33050 points::0.1 priority::medium resolution::implemented reviewer::nickm robustness severity::normal sponsor::55-can status::closed tor-dirauth torspec type::task voting labels
See my PR:
It's based on David's PR, but it makes "uploaded" and "downloaded" votes clearer.
I also added as the likely version for this change.
Status: assigned to needs_review
Parent: #4631 (moved) to #33050 (moved)If #4631 (moved) is merged/accepted, then we can merge this imo. To that effect, I'll put nickm as a reviewer considering he is the one on #4631 (moved).
Reviewer: N/A to nickmI've suggested a couple of small wording changes.
Status: needs_review to needs_revisionLGTM; let's merge when we merge #4631 (moved).
Status: needs_review to merge_readySquashed and merged!
Status: merge_ready to closed
Resolution: N/A to implementedAdd all the tickets from sponsor 55 that are done and being worked on to the keyword #network-team-roadmap-2020Q1 so I can look at them in the wiki page...
Keywords: torspec tor-dirauth robustness voting deleted, voting, network-team-roadmap-2020Q1, tor-dirauth, robustness, torspec added- Trac closed
- Trac changed time estimate to 48m
changed time estimate to 48m
- Trac added 48m of time spent
added 48m of time spent
- Trac mentioned in issue #33050 (moved)
mentioned in issue #33050 (moved)
- Trac moved to tpo/core/tor#33358 (closed)
moved to tpo/core/tor#33358 (closed)