discussed with weasel, who changed the fastly records
removed from nagios
shutdown in kvm2: Domain savii.torproject.org is being shutdown
disk removal scheduled:
root@unifolium:~# echo 'rm -r /srv/vmstore/savii.torproject.org' | at now + 7 days
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 2 at Tue Mar 3 16:27:00 2020
nothing in DNS, removed from hetzner's reverse (although this will be done in the parent decom too)
removed from puppet:
root@pauli:/home/anarcat# host=savii; puppet node clean $host.torproject.org && puppet node deactivate $host.torproject.org
Notice: Revoked certificate with serial 62
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::Certificate savii.torproject.org at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/savii.torproject.org.pem'
Submitted 'deactivate node' for savii.torproject.org with UUID 57cf7d89-3f5e-419c-ad3d-901d10c41b2c
9. removed from puppet manifests in `41008829 master decom savii (#33441)` 10. removed from password manager 11. no cert 12. no mail 13. scheduled backup removal: ```root@bungei:/srv/backups/bacula# echo rm -rf /srv/backups/bacula/savii.torproject.org.OLD/ | at now + 30 dayswarning: commands will be executed using /bin/shjob 20 at Thu Mar 26 16:38:00 2020
removed from spreadsheet
Trac: Resolution: N/Ato fixed Status: accepted to closed