We should document the process to update ssh keys and add/remove users from build-sunet-a.torproject.net. Probably in tools/ansible/README in tor-browser-build.
To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage. More information
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I did not check that the instructions for removing users actually work.
Looks mostly good. Maybe add a sentence about the user dir on the build machine? That's still there after removing the user with your instructions, right?
Some nits:
s/used to setup/used to set up/
s/To update ssh key/To update the ssh key/
Trac: Keywords: TorBrowserTeam202004R deleted, TorBrowserTeam202004 added Status: needs_review to needs_revision
I did not check that the instructions for removing users actually work.
Looks mostly good. Maybe add a sentence about the user dir on the build machine? That's still there after removing the user with your instructions, right?
Looks good now, thanks. I tried the removal of users (brade and mcs) and it worked, too. Merged to master with commit 6768a86581b63bfa37279d3144e105faaa35e366.
Trac: Status: needs_review to closed Resolution: N/Ato fixed